Monday, August 11, 2014

3 years 11 months....

4 cars, 3 homes, 2 kittens and 2 dogs later we are only one month away from celebrating our 4th year married. Funny, our first car together was an Altima, got rid of it for a Kia something I forgot, then got rid of that for a Kia soul and currently have an Altima again. Oh how things change. I remember our first home together, it was small and we didn't have much.... But we were happy. Our second home was a little bigger and being a little more established it was nicer, and our third home the one we currently live in is my favorite so far. I know there will be many more homes to come because of his job, but that's okay with me. Ohhhh our first kitten, Meeko... He was the sweetest most loving little guy ever. Unfortunately when I moved home to Florida to my parents, I was unable to being Meeko and had found him a wonderful, loving new home here in 29 palms. We miss him so much. Currently, we just got a new kitten, she is 7 weeks old and we named her Nilla. She is soooo cute, fluffy and cuddly. She stole our hearts already. When we lived in our first home, after a few weeks we got our first dog together, and names him KINKO. He is so cuuuuute, he stole our hearts right away. Being the first ever dog Pablo has ever had they will always share that bond. Well, we noticed my allergies were getting worse and worse around KINKO, we tried different medicines but nothing worked.... I was moving home for hubs deployment and shortly before that, KINKO had bit a 2 year old girl in the face while I was babysitting... That scared me because my brother was 2 at the time. We did not want to risk him biting my brother, my inlaws agreed to take KINKO. Which made us very happy, he is so loved there and we still get to see our little baby. Bane, where do I begin? We got a new dog after my husband's deployment... A dog with much shorter hair for my allergies. He was so smart and full of life. Unfortunately, the day my husband brought Bane to the vet for his Parvo shot.... They informed us he already had Parvo.... We chose to hospitalize him in hopes of saving his life but after a week and him not getting any better, we had to put him down. Our hearts still hurt for our little Bane. 

   It's crazy how things change, how fast time goes by. My husband and I have been through everything meant to break us, and always come out stronger. Our crazy, beautiful life has really just begun.... In one month, we will be checking into a nice hotel and spending our anniversary together.... Very much looking forward to everything else in store for us in the years to come. πŸ’•

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