Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Amazing news 💕

We are so beyond happy to announce that we are pregnant, again. 💕🙏👶 we found out on January 19th, after the excitement of a positive test settled in.... Fear took over. After losing a baby only a few months ago, and a year before that, how could I not be scared. I wanted so badly to be happy, but fear was always in the back of my mind. "Is the baby okay?" "Am I going to lose this one too?" "Is the heart even beating?" My head was so full of questions. We decided we would keep this one a secret, for as long as could of course. We confirmed pregnancy with my doctor, and I changed my diet. 

I prayed every day, and every night that this baby is healthy, that this baby makes it. I ended up in the emergency room because I had some cramps that scared me, but it turned out everything was fine. The ultrasound tech even let me see the baby, and at 6 weeks and 2 days the heart was already beating. Boom, I was in love. 

Our ultrasound appointment with my doctor was scheduled for February 18th, that seemed sooooo far away. Every day, I just wondered what was going on in my tummy. Well, today is February 18th. I was filled with nerves, I tossed and turned most of the night.  

I wondered would we see a healthy baby with a strong heart beat? Would see a baby that had stopped growing? Would there even be a heart beat? I couldn't rid myself of that little ball of fear in the back of my mind. 

Going into the doctors office, hearing my name get called.... My heart was pounding. Pablo and I went back into the room, and I prayed. I prayed that the baby was healthy. 

The doctor came in, and I laid back... My heart was pounding. I looked at the screen, and then there it was. A little gummy bear, with a big head, a belly, arms and legs filled the screen... Then BOOM, "squish, squish, squish" the heart was beating! A healthy, strong beat of 170 beats per minutes. We have a healthy baby measuring exactly 8 weeks and 4 days, which is right where it should be. I cried, pablo was squeezing my hand. The doctor said everything looks great! We got four pictures and I recorded the heart beat! 

We couldn't possibly be happier, we feel SO blessed. We will continue to pray, and hopefully come September 26, baby Alvarado will bless us with his or her arrival. 

Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive in this journey! 

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