Friday, November 21, 2014

Keeping up with the Alvarado's!

 Since my last post, quite a few things have happened. For starters, my husband has reenlisted for another 4 years in the Marine Corps... I am so very proud of him! With this reenlistment, comes DEPLOYMENT which is creeping up on us very fast. This time around, he's going on ship and has so many "work ups" (tranining to get done before he leaves) that we are going to have barely any time to spend together. Now, I know I know.... That's military life and I am well aware of that. I don't think that anyone is ever really ready for deployment, buuuut I guess we are as "ready" as we can be. 
Aside from not seeing my husband for 6-9 months, I'm sad that with all the work ups we will have slim to no chance of concieving.... Which is something we have to accept. Distance is temporary, and we WILL have a baby some day. It is that thought alone that keeps me going. Some day, somehow, it WILL happen.

So, with the holidays coming up I am going to Florida to be with family and pablo was supposed to be meeting me there.... BUT thanks to these work ups and last minute date changes, pablo won't be able to make it. Our family and myself are crushed... Having to spend our holidays without him, because as if him leaving for MONTHS soon isn't enough. Right? That is just another thing we have to accept, and make the best of what we've got.  

   Given we live in 29 palms, for those who don't know where that is (because nobody ever does) it's the smallest "city" of nothing in Southern California, I'll be moving to Florida for the deployment. Which all seems to be happening so fast, 
But you know what? That's just life huh? 

In all, it's going to be a rough year but I have no doubt in my mind that all of this will only make us stronger. 

Nowwww it would be a true blessing and dream come true if by some miracle we concieved in the little time we do have together, but I have learned not to get my hopes up. 

   With that being said, we will remain hopeful and make the best of the time we do have together. 

Thank you to everyone who continues to keep us in your thoughts and prayers in our journey to conceive baby Alvarado. 


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