Monday, October 6, 2014

9 1/2 weeks.

So far, so good. 😍 
I am 9 1/2 weeks pregnant, and as happy as I could possibly ever be. We have our first ultrasound appointment made for this month, WE CAN'T WAIT. 

So far, I am super bloated.... Hungry alllllllll the time, I guess morning sickness is different for everyone and the morning sickeness I experience consists of feeling like complete crap and super nauseas every morning for about 30-40 minutes... I've been super moody lately and well, for the most part it's nothing too bad. 

I have a feeling we're having a boy, the Chinese calendar says girl... And I've looked at a bunch of old wives tales and those are 50/50. <3 

Not tooooo much longer until we can find out. 

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